The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah Before I go about elucidating the history of the wisdom of Kabbalah, conversed about by many, I find it necessary to begin with a thorough clarification of the essence of this wisdom, which I believe so few know. And naturally, it is impossible to speak of the history of something before we know ...
أكمل القراءة »أرشيف شهر: يناير 2015
Concealment and Revelation
The Creator’s Concealment and Revelation DOUBLE CONCEALMENT (CONCEALMENT INSIDE CONCEALMENT) In this state the person does not even feel the opposite side of the Creator, cannot perceive anything as coming from Him. He feels that the Creator abandoned him, disregards him completely. He attributes suffering to destiny and blind nature. Being confused by the Creator’s attitude to him, man loses ...
أكمل القراءة »Matter and Form
Matter and Form in the Wisdom of Kabbalah As a whole, science is divided into two parts: one is called “material research” and the other, “formative research.” This means that matter and form are perceived in every element of the entire reality before us. For example, a table consists of matter, meaning the wood, and consists of form, the shape ...
أكمل القراءة »finding the Creator Within.
The Conditions of the Soul Development Man cannot exist in our material world without some elementary knowledge about nature’s laws, and of what is useful and harmful for him in the world and in people around him. Equally, man’s soul cannot exist in the spiritual world without the knowledge of its nature. Three Periods of Growth of Body We distinguish ...
أكمل القراءة »Introduction to The Book of Zohar
Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) 1) In this introduction, I would like to clarify matters that are seemingly simple. Matters that everyone fumbles with, and for which much ink has been spilled, attempting to clarify. Yet we have not reached a concrete and sufficient knowledge of them. And here are the questions: What is our essence? What is our ...
أكمل القراءة »the history of the Zohar
The first Kabbalist we know of was the patriarch Abraham. He saw the wonders of human existence, asked questions of the Creator, and the upper worlds were revealed to him. The knowledge he acquired, and the method used in its acquisition, he passed on to coming generations. Kabbalah was passed among the Kabbalists from mouth to mouth for many centuries. ...
أكمل القراءة »Perface to the Zohar
1) The depth of wisdom in the holy Book of Zohar is enclosed and caged behind a thousand locks, and our human tongue too poor to provide us with sufficient, reliable expressions to interpret one thing in this book to its end. Also, the interpretation I have made is but a ladder to help the examiner rise to the height ...
أكمل القراءة »Idées reçues sur la Kabbale
Selon la sagesse de la Kabbale, la réalité consiste en deux forces ou qualités, ou attributs, qui sont le désir de donner et le désir de recevoir. De par sa nature, le désir de donner en vient à créer le désir de recevoir ; par conséquent, il est plus communément appelé « Créateur ». Dès lors l’ensemble de la création, ...
أكمل القراءة »Все начинается с осознания зла
Мы видим, что мир очень быстро продвигается к чему-то, чего сам пока еще не понимает, и в ближайшие дни, недели и месяцы мы увидим, что происходит. Из того, что я успел увидеть на встрече G-20, люди, естественно, еще не понимают, с чем они столкнулись и что происходит. Но вместе с тем, есть много социологов, которые говорят правильно. Они начинают говорить ...
أكمل القراءة »دعوة
هدف هذه المدونة هو التواصل مع هؤلاء الذين يسعون وراء إيجاد التفسير الواضح للأسئلة والإستفسارات التي تراودهم في الحياة عن معنى وجودهم وهدفهم فيها. بعد إنشاء الموقع، بدأت أواجه عدداً كبيراً ومتزايداً من الأسئلة لدرجة أنه لم يعد بوسعي الإجابة عليها شخصياً عندها قررت فتح موقع الإنترنت ليكون لدي المجال لتوفيرالأجوبة لكل الأسئلة التي تأتيني بدقة وتفصيل ولتكون متوفرة للجميع ...
أكمل القراءة »